Dear Gossips,

While Jolie Leg memes are getting old already, I don’t think I’ll ever tire of looking at the photos of Sean Young at the Oscars. Just imagine how they happened. Imagine Sean Young straight up Twi-Harding on Brange and Sandra Bullock. It’s too much. It’s too GOOD. Just... Glenn Close’s face says it all. Click here to see.

A few years ago, Sean Young crashed the Vanity Fair Oscar party by waiting behind some shrubbery until Jennifer Aniston arrived. Photographers went crazy with the photos and Sean snuck in undetected.


Young was eventually caught by event planners and thrown out but still...

How is she not the star of the best reality show, like, EVER of all time? Sean Young is the ultimate victim of the Hollywood Sliding Door.

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Yours in gossip,
