Dear Gossips,
I didn’t mind the pop-up Oscars. Was kinda fun reading those factoids. The thank you crawl, however, was totally classist. Basically it ended up being for the people who aren’t famous. Because it’s not like Leo or any of the winners in the major categories used it. Technically, for a show that was supposed to showcase the best in entertainment, it kinda looked like a mess at times, didn’t it?
There were several missed cues on the direction. They camera couldn’t pick up what was on stage quick enough and it was especially embarrassing at the beginning of Lady Gaga’s performance when she appeared inside a picture frame and you could see the stagehand holding up half the set design.
Also, how about shooting the presenters from a low angle while they were announcing the nominees? These are the most narcissistic, vain, self-absorbed assholes in the world. And you’re shooting them from below?!? Wait. Maybe that’s the point. Maybe the director and the producers were actually trolling.
I wish I could believe that.
OK here we go. Duana and I, as always, have been up all night. We’re writing for as long as we have to recap as many moments and looks as possible. Our content board, posted up on our hotel room wall, is attached. If you’re joining us in the morning, please note that the first posts were up a few hours ago, and you may have to scroll down, click VIEW OLDER, to get caught up on all articles. And definitely, don’t forget, yell at us, nod at us, cuss at us – on email [email protected] and [email protected] or on Twitter @duanaelise and @laineygossip. We love post-Oscar blogging. And we love it even more that you’re reading and fighting and consuming it all with us.
Yours in gossip,