Dear Gossips,

Rumor Est Immortalis

Gossip Is Immortal, especially when it’s in Latin.

You’ll note, if you’re reading in Canada, today’s blog is sponsored by vitaminwater zero. Have you seen my bottles?!?! I wrote the labels for go-go, resilient-c, and xoxox - attached! Part of this collaboration includes a travelling series for the Faculty of Celebrity Studies (more on this below). Also, twice a month I’ll be posting a series of how-to articles - click here for the first on wedding etiquette because I still don’t understand why people have trouble with the “guest or no guest” procedure and how the white dress question is still coming up! We’ll be doing this on video too. If you need my opinion on anything email [email protected] or tweet your question with #asklainey. Click here for details. My on-camera responses will be posted to the vitaminwater tumblr and YouTube page every month.

Every proper school has a proper school crest, right? Even a Gossip School should have a proper school crest. So we made one. You like it?

Rumor Est Immortalis!

Heads up Halifax, Ottawa, and Calgary! The Faculty of Celebrity Studies is travelling and hitting you up first. Dates and times are as follows:

Halifax - Monday, July 30 from 6pm to 9pm

Ottawa - Tuesday, July 31 from 6pm to 9pm

Calgary - Thursday, August 2 from 6pm to 9pm

Location information to follow.

Discussion topics include Tom, Katie, Scientology, Blind Riddles, the one we trusted who, as it turns out, can’t actually be trusted, and more. Students will be graded on participation and preparation. A basic understanding of smut principles and theory is recommended.

You coming?

Enrollment is extremely limited. I’m giving away 10 pairs of admission passes in each city. If you are interested, please email [email protected] with the NAME OF YOUR CITY as the subject. Cut-off (pencils down) is this Friday.  We'll confirm enrollment with those drawn on Monday.  See you there!

Yours in gossip,
