Dear Gossips,

I apologise in advance about how short today’s blog will be. Because...

Duana’s getting married tomorrow!!!

I have officially appointed myself her bitch for the day. No, that’s not really true. She’s actually been the chillest bride ever which is why I’m making up for her calm by being the task master, a job I’m trying to extend for as long as possible seeing as she’s normally the producer telling me what to do.

When my ma was hospitalised last year, Duana would hit up the noodle bar and take food over to the Chinese Squawking Chicken. She didn’t flinch at the sight of ma’s ravaged body, and she wasn’t offended when my ma, always particular and blunt, inevitably found something wrong with the quality of the soup or the freshness of the shrimp.

My friend Duana is the best. Even better than Good Gossip. Thank you for understanding. I will be back on Monday on regular schedule. Click here for Duana’s Twitter if you’d like to send her a note.

Have a great weekend!

Yours in gossip,


PS. Am wary of the good old Hollywood Friday gossip dump - as you saw last week when Katie left Tom. If something MEGA breaks, I’ll take a wedding break and come back to address it.