Dear Gossips,
Did you know that Hello Kitty lives just outside of London and has a twin sister called Mimmy? She also bakes and collects goldfish. No? No idea. Me neither. But now I do because Hello Kitty is becoming a movie.
And it’s not like I never went through a Hello Kitty phase. Every summer, I’d go back to Hong Kong to stay with my ma. Every year I’d come back to school with Hello Kitty gear – pencil cases, erasers, notebooks, lunchboxes. But that’s it. I’d never write in my Hello Kitty binder and wonder about Hello Kitty’s personality. Didn’t give a sh-t about her life. Hello Kitty has a life?!? Hello Kitty has to matter to me beyond the fact that Mimi dedicated an entire room to her in her apartment?
Hello Kitty, the movie, is planned for release in 2019.
Yours in gossip,