Dear Gossips,
You know what I noticed about Justin Bieber’s face in those photos he posted on Instagram with Chris Brown and Akon and the crew in studio yesterday? (Great new couple, by the way. That’s the man combination every girl deserves.) Something’s missing.
His douche face.
You know his douche face.
You know the “swaggy” face.
There’s no swaggy here. It’s just…Junior. He’s Junior J here, voluntarily. Junior J is so much more tolerable, non?
Yours in gossip,
PS. We are just 6 days from SMUT! And I can't wait to unload some gossip in your face. Teri Hart and I have a lot stored up. Teri’s been in the business for over 15 years. And she’s never done this before. Come and get it – click here.