Dear Gossips,
So. Will you be able to resist Saturday Night Live this weekend? Will it make you feel better to record it on your PVR and watch it a day later just to say you only put it on when there was nothing else to do on a Sunday afternoon? My excuse is that I have to. For work. Because it’s part of my job. But this is why you bring someone like Lindsay Lohan on to host, right? You’re counting on curiosity as the lure.
I’m on the road again this weekend. If I do turn it on it’ll have to be at the hotel without the home benefits of instant rewind and pause on that face, oh my God, what is happening to her face? This is an episode where a digital box is almost required accompaniment.
Heading back to LA this morning for a few days on a special assignment for etalk. It’ll be lighter today because my flight is at 10:30am PT which I know is not ideal but it’s the only one that works to accommodate the rest of the day. I’ve pre-written a few articles that will roll out while I’m in flight. I apologise for the inconvenience. We’ll be back to normal on Monday.
Have a great weekend!
Yours in gossip,