Dear Gossips,

As mentioned yesterday, the only time I’ve turned on the TV this week is for figure skating. In figure staking, if they Twi-Hard for anyone, they Twi-Hard for Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir. But come ON, why can’t those two be in love for reals? Virtue and Moir took back the World title last night in Nice. You know what’s great about figure skating? Some of the athletes have a really hard time hiding their bitchface. There’s nothing quite like the drama that goes down in figure skating. Between the wife swapping, homewrecking, sabotaging, backstabbing, and tears, maybe that’s the reality show they should be pitching. A scripted drama would work too if you can get away with lowering the quality of the actual skating. It’s the frivolousness of Gossip Girl + the cutthroat of Game Of Thrones.

Game Of Thrones!
You ready for winter and war?

By request, we’ll be recapping the show every Monday. Enjoy the season premiere!

Have a great weekend!

Yours in gossip,
