Dear Gossips,

As I was sitting across from Susan Sarandon the other day, interviewing her for Jeff, Who Lives At Home, trying not to fall on my knees and propose to her, I remembered she has a boyfriend who’s over 30 years younger than she is and wondered why it is that we don’t hold it against her. Is it because, even though there’s an age gap, the man she’s spending time with was already a man when they met?

Susan is 66. And still as sexy as she was in Bull Durham. And really sensitive and smart and... a real person who has conversations with people. Celebrities can be disappointing, often. The great thing about the great ones is that you know already that they would never. There’s no question; it would never happen; Meryl Streep would never fall short of your expectations.

Several new collections from Paris Fashion Week were posted to LifeStyle last night and this morning. Keep checking the page for more and also Hayley’s article on how to fuel for morning training.

Yours in gossip,
