Dear Gossips,
Duana posted an article earlier this week about Shonda Rhimes and how she’s basically the boss of television on Thursday nights. Shonda Rhimes gave us Cristina Yang, Sandra Oh. It was her final episode of Grey’s Anatomy last night. And, for me, if Seattle Grace is to have a legacy, any legacy, it would be this character, this complicated, not always likeable, often straight up UNlikable, funny, smart, joy-to-watch female character.
Cristina could often be a f-cking asshole. She was often uncompromising. She was rude and unreasonable. She made that OK, OK to watch, OK to enjoy, OK to appreciate. Also she was almost never, ever conventionally “cute”. Have you noticed how many women have to play “cute” on television, especially on network television? (Oh, hi, Aaron Sorkin.)
Goodbye Cristina Sandra. You’re one of the best.
It’s a long weekend in Canada as Monday is Victoria Day. We will still be working though so if you are, or if you’re hungover, or if you need a diversion, come visit.
Have a great holiday!
Yours in gossip,