Dear Gossips,

The Met Gala is tonight - it’s the dress porniest event of the year! As always, we’ll go hard on the recap tomorrow. Judging from the arrivals I’ve seen so far over the last couple of days in New York, it’s looking like another good one. And Carey Mulligan will be making her first appearance after marrying Marcus Mumford.

My Sundays are planned around Game Of Thrones now; it’s the one show that has to be watched at air time. Am already anxious as I’m on the road the next three weeks, just as the season is ending. What occurred to me last night - and this is not a spoiler - is that there are too many Starks: Catelyn, Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Rickon, and Jon Snow who may or may not be a true Stark but since we’ve not yet found out the secret surrounding his birth, he’s considered one for now. That’s 7 of them. And, well, as percentages go, in this environment, you figure at least one of them has to get picked off. How much time does a patriarch’s death buy you in the Game Of Thrones?

If it were up to me I’d get rid of that goddamn insufferable Catelyn. “I told you not to trust a Greyjoy!” Um, we could also have avoided all this sh-t if you hadn’t stupidly kidnapped Tyrion Lannister, DUMBASS. Still...she is right about Robb. I wonder if he’s too guileless. Like his father. It’s not exactly an attribute that takes you far in these parts. As previously noted, I’ve not read the books and don’t intend to, but if had to make a prediction, Robb Stark is not long for this world. Too one dimensional. As is Joffrey. Joffrey won’t die because he’s too evil - but that psychopath is entertaining, non? Joffrey will eat it because he’s a f-cking idiot. Am getting tired of the Khaleesi shaking her fist at the sky and declaring that she’s the one true heir. Can they write her some new dialogue? Duana has the full recap later this morning.

Thanks for all your emails re: Insurgent. Sounds like many of you put off the weekend to get through it, right? Love hearing your thoughts. Keep sending!

Yours in gossip,
