Dear Gossips,
Welcome back to those of you returning from the Thanksgiving long weekend in Canada. Please scroll down to get caught up on yesterday’s posts. It was business as (almost) usual. Please also note that after the facelift last week, the mobile site has been restored. Thank you so much for your patience.
As for today - yes, we will discuss Beyonce’s baby bump.
But first, I read an article this morning by Cyndi Lauper on Huffington Post:
“Twenty to 40 percent of homeless youth identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, yet only 3 to 5 percent of the general population does the same. Shock was the first thing I felt when I heard this statistic, and then sadness that there are so many young people who are either thrown out of their homes or run away out of fear and despair because they are gay or transgender.”
Over at Us Weekly, there’s a feature about how Cher was in the audience last night at Dancing With The Stars to cheer on her son Chaz. Chaz’s grandmother, brother, and stepmother were also in attendance to support him.
As you know, I don’t watch that show, but I do hope Chaz’s experience is resonating with someone somewhere.
Click here to read Lauper’s article. And here for the Us Weekly piece on Chaz and Cher. And here to read our blog at Covenant House Vancouver where we often profile youth voices, many of whom do indeed, as Lauper noted, identify as LGBT and who ended up the street because their parents, they really just didn’t understand.
This month, I will be on the road on behalf of Covenant House Vancouver to pick up much needed supplies in advance of the holiday season. Am hoping to meet some of you along the way. More details to follow.
Yours in gossip,