Dear Gossips,

A few quick hits have already been posted on LifeStyle today including an outfit I have to have courtesy Kirsten Dunst and why do I see Demi Moore when I look at Julie Bowen? The LifeStyle section will be updated throughout the day. Please check back often.

As for whose kids were watching, thank you for all your emails, your judging, your huffing, and your tutting. I really, really love it. So interesting to me the difference in perspective depending on geography and cultural attitudes towards sex. It’s not Uma Thurman.

So I can’t wait to meet “Roc” and “Roe” on Friday on 20/20 when Mimi shows them off for the first time and, obviously, makes it all about her. Have you seen the preview? Please note the WALLPAPER in the nursery. I don’t have to go on again about her now legendary episode of Cribs, right? This is like the sequel. See below.

How are you doing with The Marriage Plot? I read a chapter last night that was so arresting and so brilliant I had to go back and spend another half an hour reading it again even though I desperately want to finish to see what happens. He’s too f-cking good.

Next? Can’t wait to start on The Virgin Cure by Ami McKay which is sitting on the nightstand waiting patiently behind Eugenides.  Did you read The Birth House? I feel like every woman in Canada read The Birth House. Anyway, this is the highly anticipated follow-up. I like it when authors make you wait a few years between works. Authors like Jodi Picoult, for example, who come out with something “new” every 12 months, it kinda freaks me out.

Yours in gossip,


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