Dear Gossips,

There’s a hot broad on the cover of the new issue of Entertainment Weekly. She’s a 44 year old woman, not the usual cover subject. OMG it’s Tami Taylor! Only she’s not Tami Taylor anymore. At least not on TV. Whether or not she becomes Tami Taylor again for the movies is still to be seen. Right now though, Connie Britton is Vivien Harmon in American Horror Story (which we don’t get here in Canada until October 31 when FX launches). I don’t think Connie ever covered EW for Friday Night Lights. And that, y’all, is a damn shame. But Jason Katims, showrunner for Friday Night Lights, is not Ryan Murphy. Ryan Murphy is as famous as his show(s), as in-your-face as Rachel Berry. And, um, best friends with Gwyneth Paltrow. Which is why she turns up in an article you didn’t think could possibly include her, when Murphy explains that he only knew how amazing his new project could be when GWYNETH gave her approval:

“Gwyneth Paltrow read the script (for American Horror Story) just as a friend. She called me up and was like, ‘Oh my God — is she f-cking pregnant by that Rubber Man dude? Is it a rubber baby?’ That’s when I first realized people are going to be obsessed with Rubber Man.”

Namechecking Gwyneth is like a photobomb. Hilarious, right?

Click here to read more about American Horror Story. Entertainment Weekly is on newsstands now.

LifeStyle has been updated with new photos including Olivia Wilde’s sh-tty shoes and an amazing sweater on Elle Macpherson. A new Sasha article will be posted later today and more.

Have a great weekend!

Yours in gossip,
