Dear Gossips,
Hello from the Maldives! We’re here celebrating our 10th anniversary until next week and then it’s off to Dubai for some golf. The Maldives is made up of over 1,000 islands and our little island is about the length of a city block. It takes 5 minutes to walk from end to end ...if you’re walking really, really, REALLY slowly. And the width 30 seconds, maybe. So... the wireless here, it’s not bad, all things considered. I can’t stream any videos, but I can download photos and we can post to the site which is great, because I will be updating the site the entire time I’m here and, for once, the time zone is in our favour.
Our island in the Maldives is 10 hours ahead of Eastern Time. As such, the schedule while we’re here will be what it usually is...only maybe a little lighter? Noon in Vancouver/Los Angeles will be 1am for me so our articles may be posted in quick succession in a shorter amount of time and sh-t that goes down in the afternoon in LA, like Lindsay Lohan trying to convince the judge she’s changed, will have to be covered the next day. Please accept my apologies for these inconveniences while we’re away. There will be no interruption to Duana, Sarah, and Sasha’s columns. The LifeStyle page will continue to be updated daily per usual. Today’s features so far include Olivia Newton John’s crazy face. Head over there and take a look.
Happy Halloween!
Yours in gossip,