Dear Gossips,

Janet Jackson’s Unbreakable tour stopped in Toronto last night. Unfortunately because our dog Marcus is still in the hospital, I couldn’t go. Several of my friends and colleagues did though, live-texting me through the night to help me feel like I was there. And all of them loved it so much. One of them said it was the best show she’s been to in 10 years. Hit after hit after hit after hit.

You forget, don’t you?

You forget how many hits. Then you know all the words and you’re like… holy sh-t… it’s SO many hits. But when you can put together a 45 minute set of up-tempo songs that are familiar to everyone followed by a 45 minute set of slow jams that are also familiar to everyone, with some of the new material slotted in here and there so that it doesn’t take you right out of the groove, that’s how you make people remember.
Go see Janet if you can.

Yours in gossip,
