Dear Gossips,
One more night. How To Get Away With Murder and…
The return of Olivia Pope!
And that’s why Kerry Washington has been on heavy promotion all week. Last night it was Fallon. They played the In My Box game. God, she is cute. Irresistibly likeable. Which is why she’s the anchor for ABC’s clever new marketing strategy #TGIT.
Oh Thursday nights.
When I was growing up, Thursday nights were The Cosby Show, Family Ties, and Cheers. Like, we’d get home from school on Thursdays – the worst school days – and then suddenly feel like life was full of possibility. After that, in university, it was Friends, Seinfeld, and ER. Dorm night bonding…
Is that what social media is now on Thursdays? A giant dorm?
Yours in gossip,