Dear Gossips,
I’m in Vancouver this weekend for an all-day shoot today. And it happens to be my birthday tomorrow. Some people are all low-key about their birthdays. I am not one of those people. Last year on The Social, they put up a counter in the corner of the screen without me knowing that it would go up every time I mentioned “It’s MY BIRTHDAY” on the show. I think the final number was 14 over the course of just one hour.
Twelve years ago, I was given the best birthday present of my life: Marcus! It’s been a week since Marcus left. Once again, thank you, always, for the condolence messages that you’ve been sending to remember him. It’s been humbling. At least to me. Marcus would not have been humbled because Marcus was the Mariah Carey of dogs.
Every year, on my birthday, is always when I feel closest to my favourite, and your most hated, Gwyneth Paltrow. Because hers is just a day later. For my birthday, I’m ordering takeout. You think G will be eating takeout Thai food and sushi on a plastic carry away platter on Sunday?
Have a great weekend!
Yours in gossip,