Everyone’s picking up on a story from the UK Mirror about Tom Cruise breaking up with Scientology so that he can get back together with Katie Holmes. Really? The Mirror? Please. And besides, do you buy that Tom Cruise would rather fail his religion than fail his wife? He already failed his wife. They’re divorced. His religion is all he has left. And besides, if that were the case, we wouldn’t be hearing over and over again about how he hasn’t seen Suri in almost three months. On this I have tried not to judge. As I said to my friend Lorella last night, maybe there are people who are dependent on him to meet his film schedule and he just can’t get away and he’s such a professional and every day he’s at work it means other people are getting paid, etc, etc, etc. But Lorella made more sense: Suri is so little, how can you not want to be around as much as possible when she’s so little?

Anyway, my point is that I think the Mirror is full of sh-t.

Xenu is Tom’s bonafide. Xenu is the life companion of an androgen.

And here he is, in London last night, after dinner with Ridley Scott. That’s the second time in less than a month that he’s met with Ridley Scott. Maybe they’re working on a new movie.

Meanwhile, oh look, Katie Holmes rides the subway to work in New York again. So Tom sees Ridley Scott more than he sees Suri and single Katie’s roughing it with the people as Courage Mom on public transit. See? Even when she doesn’t mean to she’s f-cking him on every corner.