OK, let me get this out the way first:
(SCREAMING) - why don’t you watch Misfits??? How come you know more about the last 4 seasons of Dancing With The Sh-ts than you do about Superhoodie and his degenerate friends?
I’m done.
And have you heard?
In my world it’s the equivalent of Harry Potter marrying Mariah Carey.
Iwan Rheon, or Future and Regular Simon from Misfits, has joined the cast of Game Of Thrones! It’s not yet confirmed what part he’s playing. Some people think it might be a dude called Ramsay Snow. I’ve not read the books (and have no interest to) so this means nothing to me but what’s hilarious is that as soon as one person suggested it could be Ramsay Snow all the fans were like IT CAN’T BE HIM BECAUSE RAMSAY SNOW IS THIS THAT AND THE OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fan fighting.
It’s the best.
Anyway, click here to see Iwan with Theon Greyjoy, Brienne, and Jaime Lannister (this is my favourite spelling of the name Jaime, by the way, boy or girl) in Belfast where they’re shooting Season 3. Do Brienne and Jaime f-ck? Because I really want them to.
Attached - and I don’t know how I missed these from the Prometheus premiere several weeks ago - it’s Iwan and Robert Sheehan. Iwan looks clammy there in a way that’s making me uncomfortable and worried. Maybe it was just the weather.