Jennifer Lopez tweeted this photo of herself with that backup dancer earlier this week to commemorate Valentine’s Day, their first one together, and their only one together as not man and wife. She is totally marrying him. She is totally diving right into that dumpster and pulling out her 4th husband. And it’s a nice f-ck you to her 3rd husband for taking his new piece to the Grammys. (Did you see Marc Anthony snap at that girl at one point during the show? He seemed visibly annoyed that she wasn’t standing up or sitting down, or something.)
JLo quickly pulled the picture down but not before several media outlets copied the shot. Classic JLo impulse remorse, you know? She is so consumed by love, she says yes hastily. The wedding happens. And then she wakes up and realises the person sleeping next to her is actually disgusting. The wedding is like this photo. She throws it on Twitter and a few hours later she regrets getting so public with her personal life and attempts to shut the door. Too late.
After all this time you’d think she’d learn? No. This is a romantic Dumbass.
Oh but here’s another interesting photo that has not been removed from her Twitter. It’s from the Grammys in 2000 when JLo was wearing that Versace dress that pretty much made her career. As you can see, she’s in between Whitney Houston and Puff Daddy (that was his name...then). In the original shot though, Bobby Brown is standing on the other side of Whitney. JLo bought the photo from the agency, zoomed close, and cut Bobby out. Oh if it were only so easy in real life, you know?