Just as Jake was about to end his run atop the Freebie Five, the dog issue comes up again…securing his spot for at least another week. Because remember – it’s the dog dream that got him there in the first place.

Here’s Jake Gyllenhaal with Atticus and one of Atticus’s pals out on the beach the other day minus Boo Radley, his puggle – good names, non?

As you can see, Atticus looks pretty happy after what looks to be a fun session with the “Chuck It” which for all you non-dog people is a ball throwing accessory – makes the ball go high and long.

And…since I shamelessly enjoy including photos of my little Marcus whenever the opportunity arises, he here is in the forest the other day, just after I gave him sh-t for rubbing himself onto a dead bird.

Guilty dog face is priceless.
