Jake Gyllenhaal hit up Game 7 between the Celtics and the Lakers last night along with several other celebrities to watch LA triumph at home over Boston. We watched it last night at Nascar and Dylan was choked. As you can see, Jakey isn’t shaving now that he’s not on promo anymore, and hot. Bet you his t-shirt smells good. Is that creepy?
Jake was with a friend and also stopped to exchange pleasantries with everyone’s favourite Dustin Hoffman but unfortunately they didn’t kiss. Hoffman reserves his game time kisses for Jason Bateman.
While Jakey was enjoying the ball on the West Coast, Maggie G was in New York at the launch of the new YSL fragrance Belle D’Opium. Let’s talk about her breasts. Because she was spotted a few months ago leaving a medical building and a few of you smutty judgy bitches were saying something about her getting her tits done...? And therefore she’s some kind of fraud?
Maggie is a snotty haughty elitist “actor”, totally. But I’m not so sure if she’s a snotty haughty elitist “actor” with implants.
In this pink strapless sweetheart cup dress it really doesn’t look like there have been implants. And to me they look the same as they did back in 2005 at the Oscars in, my God, that beautiful grey gown with hip sequin detail. Thoughts?