Arguments for:
- He’s adorable. (I’m biased, obviously.) But those eyes, and that smile, and the body... it’s all goodness and very American.
- He’s selling a movie right now. A movie that supposed to be a crowd pleaser. A movie that will prove to you when you see it that he is indeed a romantic leading man.
- He’s dating America’s sweetheart. He wants this too. Leveraging the relationship to sell the movie AND to secure this title?
- He’s is accessible and sweet, a solid reputation, has never been tarnished by scandal
- Movie Star presence and personality. Have you seen him in an interview? They’re eating out of his hand.
Arguments against:
- Too boyish?
- Prince of Persia was a disappointment in America. He’s yet to prove that he can actually live up to expectation. Love & Other Drugs may finally be his huge breakthrough but at press time “bankability” is not on Jake’s resume
- The gay rumours
- A steady stream of golden girlfriends but nothing to suggest stability, it may be offputting to the MiniVan
- Is Jake Gyllenhaal a Capital Letter celebrity? Enough of one to merit the 25th anniversary SMA? I’m all over it, but even I don’t think he’s quite there yet.
Odds: 10 to 1
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