Like I said, when he’s not moving, in still photos, sh-t, he’s hot. And every single one of these shots is hot…

With one exception.

There’s a walking photo!

Walking pictures are typically a slamdunk. That’s why they’re a go-to for a lot of promo shots. Think of the women of Sex & the City. They WALKED a lot in photo shoots. But we’ve talked about Jamie Dornan’s curious gait. HE’s talked about his curious gait. DETAILS evidently thought they could fix his gait. I’m not convinced.

As for the interview…

It’s good. It’s an interview from an actor who’s not given too many interviews like this before so he’s probably more candid than, say, a Bradley Cooper, and it’ll be interesting to compare this to what he’ll sound like 3 or 4 years from now when – if all goes to (his) plan – he’s much more famous. There’s a misanthrope in him. And while he’s self-aware enough to call himself on his own bullsh-t, you get the sense that maybe 7 or 8 years ago, when he was firmly in his 20s, he wouldn’t have been all that fun to be around. That guy, you know? That guy who’s deeply inside his own head.

But, mostly, read this for the Sam Taylor-Johnson quotes about putting Fifty Shades Of Grey together and what she’s been working on. The film has been in post for 9 months. She’s tweaking. With what appears to be a heightened sensitivity metre, and not just because of the nudity but because, clearly, given the source material, she actually has expectations of the female character. Anastasia’s a blank space anyway, right?

Click here to read the full Jamie Dornan article in DETAILS.