Conan the Barbarian premiered in LA last night. Jason Momoa was accompanied on the carpet by Lisa Bonet, mother of his two children, and her first child Zoe Kravitz. Please. He is a beast. And Denise Huxtable certainly has a standard. Like, she may be a little like Leonardo DiCaprio that way. She strictly dates hot guys. Only hers are more interesting than models. But they’re really, really hot guys. Not ordinary hot, but crazy, crazy hot. Lenny Kravitz is CRAZY hot. Jason Momoa is ridiculous.
So is Rose McGowan’s face. And inevitably there will be a know-it-all to email to say that she was in an accident and required some cosmetic surgery to fix it and while this is true, it doesn’t explain why when I saw her in these shots I thought she was Delta Burke. Something very old lady tight has settled into her eyes. It’s man scarring. Marilyn Manson. Robert Rodriguez. Who supposedly left her because after a few years of declaring her his muse, he realised that with her as his muse he couldn’t get financing for his films. Love can be brutal in Hollywood.
Anyway, can we go back to Lisa Bonet? Her legal name now is Lilakoi Moon. She changed it in the 90s when she was dating a yoga instructor. amazing. Why didn’t we have gossip blogs back then?
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