Valentine Hello Kitty: Zhang Ziyi
ZZ in Winnipeg shooting a movie, taking some time off for what looks a hockey game recently. And this is the kind of sh-t that drives non-Hello Kitties crazy.
For some reason, my people are all over the Beauty Shots. At one point or another – though I personally haven’t had the displeasure – Asian girls will end up presenting themselves at a photo studio for one of those cheese ass photo shoots. You know with the flowers in the background, like a karaoke video, the camera has a muted, blurry edge to it, they pose in a variety of pageant-like poses, a hand to the face looking off the distance is not unusual… if you can’t picture it, just head to any Chinese supermarket and pick up one of their magazines. You’ll see a thousand ZZ smiles plastered across the pages.
As if the pigtails weren’t enough, she had to bring her small dog to the game. And you know, I’m not exactly a sane dog owner either. My dog goes to private day care, my dog eats organic yoghurt but my dog absolutely does NOT go to the hockey game…
But most of us are not That Girl. We don’t scream “WAHHHHH” every five seconds. We don’t ask Meestah Chairman if he wants some mo tea. And we absolutely do not giggle just because today is Wednesday.
Thanks to Earl for the scan from the Winnipeg Free Press.