In case you need a reminder, Independence Day 2 is actually happening and will be released in summer 2016. April/May is when the summer ’16 movies go into production, and to that end, Independence Day 2 is getting its ducks in a row, announcing some key casting. Relative unknown Jessie Usher will star as the grown-up version of Will Smith’s son from the first movie—Smith won’t be appearing in the sequel—and Liam, The Lesser Hemsworth will also star in a lead role. Let me guess—he’ll play a military guy.

But the most important piece of information regarding this unasked-for sequel is that JEFF GOLDBLUM will reprise his role. In this regard, Independence Day 2 has a leg up on Jurassic World by having more Jeff Goldblums in its cast. Jurassic World has zero Jeff Goldblums, which is disappointing. In a perfect world, there would be a Jeff Goldblum in all the casts, but there is only one Jeff Goldblum because Science is really dropping the ball on solving the Jeff Goldblum Space/Time Theorem, which, as you know, proposes to bend the fabric of space/time around Jeff Goldblum, allowing him to be in all places simultaneously. Get on that, Science.
