Dear Jennifer Aniston:
Are you Jessica Simpson???
I know the source is suspect but they claim to have eyewitnesses and were able to nail down the logistics pretty tight… so far, it seems legit. And considering we’re discussing Jennifer Aniston, something this desperate and pathetic is entirely possible.
The National Enquirer is reporting that on October 13th, at 4:05pm Pacific, John Mayer and Jennifer Aniston landed at LAX from New York. Together.
Photo attached of John leaving his NYC apartment with a travel bag.
Jen was supposedly in Manhattan to work on promotion for Marley & Me. They hooked up, they revived their sh*t, and they were spotted cuddling and nuzzling at the airport with John bending down to give her a long, sexy kiss before they left separately.
Like Jessica… like Jen?
Reminds me of an article a reader called Jillian sent me last week – thank you! Taken from the November issue of Glamour Magazine and an article called “8 Love Lessons You Can Learn from Celebrity Crack-Ups”.
John Mayer is singled out as a dude you do NOT want to date. Ever. See scan attached. So why do these twats keep thinking they can change him?
Photo from