There will be no lucky fans invited back to John Mayer’s hotel room to be pee’d on this time. It appears John has found himself a travelling shower-girl. As I was the first to report a couple of weeks ago, Jennifer Aniston is joining John for part of his tour. She flew out of LAX yesterday with great fanfare, arrived in London ahead of her boyfriend, and showed the Brits what a real California tan looks like when she popped out for dinner last night.

Remember – this is a girl who normally travels undercover. Pulling a Posh and getting papped at the airport is not usually Jen’s famewhore style. Jen’s a bit more subtle that way (or so she thinks) with her media manipulation. Unless she wants you to know what she’s doing. And if that’s the case…

Somehow photographers from several agencies happened to be waiting for her to depart Los Angeles. Coincidence or conspiracy?

John Mayer plays in London on Friday before kicking off his US/Canada tour on July 2nd. Am told Jen will be by his side as much as she can before heading off to do some preliminary press and photo shoots in advance of the fall release of He’s Just Not That Into You.

Photos from and