Jennifer Garner went to Chanel today in Beverly Hills and left with several bags. I want bags that size full of clothing from Chanel too. If I wore that to Chanel in Vancouver though I probably wouldn’t get the same service.
Garner of course as you know from all the pictures the paps take of her with her daughters is a very hands on mom. Getting dressed up in heels to go pick up her children is not her style. It’s actually not anyone’s style. Except Victoria Beckham. In an interview posted just today on The Stir Garner explained:
"You see pictures and you see this harried woman in jeans and sneakers, running around and just lucky if I get a shower, but it's pretty much the same as every other mom out there. You know, I can't dress up every day, it's just not in my nature. Even if I own the clothes, which by the way I do, I look at them and think 'I can't be a mom in those clothes,' they just don't suit me."
And then she showed up to shop at Chanel.
I really, really love Hollywood timing. Sometimes, even if it’s by accident, and in this case it probably is, it’s just so f-cking well scripted. Like, the universe just can’t help it in that town.
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