Yesterday while procrastinating on deadline and messing around on the internet (OK fine, creeping Brandon Flowers), I somehow came across this page, about whether or not Jennifer Lawrence could be the new Thor. Please don’t ask me how I went from Brandon Flowers to Jennifer Lawrence as Thor because I don’t even know the answer, the internet is a wild thing.
Anyway, this isn’t even speculation. It’s wishful debating. But it also gave me an opportunity to mention what Sam Maggs told us last week on The Social. Maggs’s book A Fangirl’s Guide To The Galaxy is out now. And she said that the new comics with the female Thor is actually selling the regular old dude Thor comics. So…about that female superhero…
Here’s Jennifer arriving in Montreal to begin filming the new X-Men movie. Nicholas Hoult was also photographed coming in on a different flight. Two years ago, they spent an idyllic summer there together. It’ll be weird for 10 minutes or so then, right?