I’m still thinking about that THR article on Skin vs Prim yesterday. Click here for a refresher. Actresses were classified into two groups: Skins and Prims. The piece failed to point out that for the most part, the Skins are older, while a majority of the Prims they cited are still in what Hollywood has decided is a sweet spot age for actresses: under 30. Had the article gone on to posit that the Skins are subverting the way women’s bodies are commodified by entrepreneurially circumventing society’s expectation that they should go away when they get older and building business on top of their bodies, the whole thing would have tasted a little different. We’d still have a discussion – and likely a debate – but the post wouldn’t have felt so myopic. And incomplete.

Anyway, there were three names singled out in this piece who were neither Skins nor Prims. They belong to their own exalted exclusive group:

Meryl Streep (of course), Angelina Jolie (who reversed the order and was actually a Skin who became a Prim later on), and…Jennifer Lawrence. It tells you a lot about what the industry thinks of Jennifer Lawrence, whether or not you agree with her inclusion. If she’s being included in a sentence with Meryl and the Jolie, they’re basically saying that at 24 years old, she, like them, is without peer.

This THR article has yielded dozens of conversations.

Here’s Jennifer Lawrence out in New York last night.