Well People Magazine certainly didn’t report on this, did it? For the 2 remaining naysayers out there who actually think this thing was legit – let me ask you this: what in the world would be the purpose of bringing the head of Scientology David Miscavige along for your honeymoon? Second Sci, perhaps? Xenu only knows but that’s the word according to gossips in Europe who also report that there was a Hubbardite seated at every table during the reception, presumably to provide information when necessary…freakshow, non? Apparently the couple did a great job of providing Church gospel but not so great of a job at providing basic sustenance because Jennifer Lopez is said to have ordered 12 pizzas upon arriving back at her hotel. Never mind the Scientology speak…who the hell lets JLo go hungry??? Thanks to Therese from Oz for the tip. PS - in case you"re wondering, this is David. The most powerful man in the Church. Chills. Source