This is what JLO called Parker on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart the other night.
Out Of Sight is a great movie, maybe her best movie. Is Transporter Jason Statham’s best movie? I don’t know enough about Jason Statham movies to be able to decide what, exactly, she’s trying to say here. Is it a case of best + best? Or is it a case of JLO + Slum Bear = Sh-t?
Slum Bear Casper Smart was allowed to be on the carpet with her last night in Vegas. Maybe that’s why her dress looked like it was falling apart. By contrast, JLO was also in white but seemed much more expensive in Lanvin on Wednesday at the NY premiere and Slum Bear wasn’t around.
White pumps, see?
I love white pumps.
Finally a pair of shoes I don’t hate!
Parker, by the way, is expected to open well back in 6th spot this weekend behind Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters. God how much longer are they going to keep sinking money into these projects? Imagine if that cash had been used to fund an Arrested Development trilogy?