Jennifer Lopez went shopping yesterday with Leah Remini – as you can see, both wore comfortable shoes for the occasion. Then again, they really only have to walk half a block at a time…if that.
It’s the best JLo’s looked in a while. Like old school Ben Affleck JLo. With the hair pulled back and the great skin, her full ass all juicy again, well wrapped in skinny jeans tapering down to her little ankles… gorgeous.
And Scientologists make good friends, non?
Is Leah wearing stretchy pants? Like Walmart stretchy pants? She’s totally wearing Walmart stretchy pants. Shopping in West Hollywood with Jennifer Lopez in stretchy pants so Jennifer Lopez can look extra glamourous…
That’s how they do it, see? That’s how they lure them in. Next thing you know, someone’s having twins and defending the Church in public and then the ultimate goal: 30% of all future earnings.
Praise Xenu, ah-Thetan.
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