As reported yesterday, Jeremy Piven was in New York for a hearing where he was expected to defend himself against a grievance filed by the producers of Speed-the-Plow alleging that he bailed out on the production not because of mercury poisoning but because he was bored and partying too hard.

Piven spoke about his illness in front of a panel of ten consisting of 5 actors and 5 producers. He wept when recalling how he suffered for months during his performance. Presumably he was suffering too the night of December 2nd when he crashed Britney’s New York City birthday party at Tenjune. Jeremy officially dropped out Speed-the-Plow a few days later.

But his tears were convincing. Half convincing. The actors sided with him. The producers did not. So for now, he’s safe although producers are still considering legal action.

As for why the actors decided to believe him …

Because they’re actors!

And they probably pull the same sh-t all the time too!

And if they crucify one of their own for it, they’ll be paying for it themselves down the line on precedent.

But while he’s off the hook temporarily, Piven cannot escape the hit his reputation has taken over the incident. They are calling him “unhireable” on Broadway. (Sidebar: UNHIREABLE should be a real word. It’s too f-cking good). Later on this will bite him in the ass. Always does.


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