According to Page Six Jeremy Renner is cutting an album. Like beyond the cover songs he does when he jumps up on stage at a bar on Sunset Blvd for kicks now and again.

On Tuesday night, he took the stage at Chelsea spot ArtBeam to perform one tune, the Animals’ version of “The House of the Rising Sun” with a band dubbed Brother Sal.

“He has a really good voice. It’s surprising,” says a source who was at the Rémy Martin event. “Jeremy said he’s been singing every day for the last few weeks. And he’s planning to release an album.” His rep told us, “He is recording, but [there’s] no date or plans as to when this might be released.”

Are we dealing with another Johnny Depp here?

Yesterday I posted about Jeremy and his reaction to Jennifer Lawrence’s essay on the gender pay gap – click here for a refresher. You’ll recall, while he does believe in equal pay for equal work, he also wasn’t ready to say that he’d participate in making that happen. His exact words:

“That’s not my job.”

And now he’s recording an album. Is that… ironic?

Attached – photos of Renner yesterday in New York and then arriving back in LA.