This is Jeremy Renner in costume on the set of that David O Russell Abscam movie. Holy sh-t the cast on this film. That’s 13 nominations between actors and the director, spread across 6 people, and 2 wins (Jennifer Lawrence and Christian Bale).

As we saw earlier this week, Bradley Cooper’s perm has been dominating the focus on this project. We shouldn’t however let that take away from Jeremy Renner’s styling. Look at that (with Jack Huston trailing in the background). You know what that is?

That is Joe Pesci.

Isn’t that Joe Pesci?

Joe Pesci is exactly the hair they were going for. Is there a picture of Joe Pesci’s hair on the mirror in the hair and makeup trailer? Joe Pesci is the inspiration. Not a bad one either. After all, Joe Pesci won an Oscar for looking like this.