Jessica Alba was one of the keynote speakers yesterday at the LUCKY Magazine Fashion & Beauty Blogger Conference. Alba is a mother of two now. So she founded The Honest Company, a “trusted source for natural, non-toxic, eco-friendly baby diapers, biodegradable wipes, and organic bath/skin care and green cleaning products”. What? OF COURSE you can buy. Click here to buy. And you can see her daughters Honor and Haven right there on the front page encouraging you to buy too. Also, if that’s not honest enough for you, Jessica also mommy blogs on several mommy sites.

And Baby Pimps are giving their parents careers they never would have thought possible.

On a business card, does Jessica Alba “blogger” come before or after “actor”? She’d want it to come before. The reality is that she and I have the same job title now.

PS. I LOVE this entire outfit SO much.