Jessica Alba is in New York for fashion week. Little Honor has come along with her. Mom and baby went for a walk yesterday and Jessica picked her up to give the paps a few shots. As you can you see from this series of photos, Alba’s many faces are properly on display, including the one for which she is most famous: looking like a c-bomb about to cuss a bitch out.
Then it was off to the Narciso Rodriguez front row where she was seated next to Claire Danes and Juliana Margulies who didn’t seem too happy about that.
Want to play photo assumption? It’s our favourite game - drawing baseless conclusions from photos only!
Check out Claire’s expression. Check out the image of the Alba and Claire facing forward. That’s some catfight tension right there. That’s Alba seething inside for being placed next to someone so thin, someone attractive, someone equally as famous. Jessica hates not being #1.
And then look at Claire making “get me away from this hag” eyes at Juliana behind Jessica’s back. How many times have we all done this with our girls? Do you love it, or do you LOVE it?
Photos from and