Yesterday’s post about the Alba Bitch playing Taupe, using her kid for her career…
Was pleasantly surprised to receive emails from you mommies quick to point out her fraud – apparently the hoop earrings were the telltale sign? See this is why I need you. Because of course being baby unfriendly I wouldn’t notice something like that.
What I would notice is the obvious. Because Jessica Alba makes it too easy. Click away if you can’t stand the gloat.
You’ll recall, in that article, I wrote the following:
Which is why you’ll be seeing a lot more of this: Jessica Alba with little Honour, totally transformed by the magic of motherhood, blissfully besotted by her baby, “candid” photos at the playground, maybe in a few days it’ll be organic grocery shopping, then powerwalking with the stroller…
Didn’t take long.
Here’s the new Taupe grocery shopping with mom … in the organic food section. Of course photographers were invited to tag along. Because Jessica Alba is tight with her family and is now totally domesticated. She’s a young yummy mummy …so please go see her movies, please, please, please?
This way she’ll be able to continue abusing people on the set, honouring them with the gift of taking off her boots, yelling at assistants for their incompetence when a fan approaches for an autograph, letting her dog sh-t all over and making those who earn minimum wage clean up the mess…
Motherhood is wonderful. I believe it. But motherhood doesn’t cure a bitch. Not the Alba one.
Photos from