Every year around this time Tiffany & Co holds an event for their Blue Book with a few key bold-faced names in attendance. Gwyneth’s been there. Kate Hudson. Katie Holmes. Reese Witherspoon. You see the trend. Reese was back this year along with Diane Kruger and Naomi Watts, and Jessica Biel too, not her first time either, and she’s been in New York this week to promote her film The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea.

I like that Jessica chose an outfit to compliment the jewels. Also I’m really into an open shoulder right now. This white dress is gorgeous, even without the necklace. Am attaching some other shots of Jessica out and about NYC the last couple of days and embedding some below of her in culottes at the Tribeca Film Festival portrait gallery with the Devil cast.

In other Jessica news, have a look at this tweet that a reader called Sabrera sent over:

Of course he’d be That Guy. The kind of guy who openly boasts about the strength of his semen. As for whether or not he was referring to the child they have or a child on the way, I mean, I’m not sure it’s clear either way but if you want something to gossip about…