Mrs Timberlake wore black Gucci with side ruffles to the Hitchcock premiere in LA last night. The dress is from the SS 2013 collection. Click here to see. On Diane Kruger? Sure. On Justin Timberlake’s wife? It’s a miss, right? On the runway the flaps are able to move. On her, on the carpet, they seem rigid, more like machinery than material, more armour than clothing. It’s too much Try. When she attempts the high fashion, it always ends up so Try.

Later on at the party, Mrs T changed into a short Michael Kors and it’s much more flattering though... I mean... I’m not sure why there had to be such an extensive wardrobe planned for this event, especially when she only shows up for, literally, half a second in the trailer, and the true star of the world, Helen Mirren, didn’t bother to get out of hers.

I suppose though that that’s some insight into how Mrs T sees herself, and the standing she might believe she has in the industry. That in spite of the fact that she’s not the lead, or anywhere near the lead, and that her name comes up most likely 4th, if not 5th, in the credits, she has to be the only person there who needs to show two looks. Because ...she married Justin Timberlake?