Here’s Jessica Biel last night at the premiere of Total Recall. It’s what I call aspirational dressing. And, curiously, her sartorial approach mirrors her professional one. The Jessica that Jessica wants to be and the Jessica that Jessica actually is, they are not the same. What you see here, this dress and the shoes and the accessories, while certainly a beautiful idea, it’s not the right idea for Jessica Biel. Marion Cotillard? Of course. Rachel Weisz too. Jessica Biel? You can’t force a look on a person who can’t carry the look. She can’t carry the look.

But at least she pushed that dumb fringe to the side. Also... WEAVE. For sure.

Who is the Jessica that Jessica wants to be when it comes to her personal life?

When asked during the Total Recall junket about wedding preparations and what she’s been doing to prepare, here was her response:

“Almost nothing! I’m just enjoying being engaged. I do feel like there is a lot of time and nothing needs to be rushed. Everyone tells me that being engaged is the really special moment.”

It’s not about whether or not that’s bullsh-t (which it totally is). More interestingly it’s about why the bullsh-t. That’s who Jessica Biel thinks Jessica Biel really is - the girl who wouldn’t fret about the wedding, the chillest bride ever, the one who doesn’t sweat the hair, the dress, the one who never really thought about getting married in the first place...

And not the pap-calling, career-leveraging, long-suffering-through-infidelity partner of Justin Timberlake.
Do we get to be who we want to be by simply telling people that that’s who we are? Some things you can’t change just by words. Like, you know, whether or not there’s more to her role in Total Recall other than punching and running...nice release Viktoria now stick it! yes!

Said Jessica of her character:

She signed on because the film wasn’t just all action. “This character was really developed, which is surprising for a film like this one. It’s a love story that we tried to infuse through this wild ride.”

There she is, Jessica the serious actor. The one who, you know, has the luxury of deliberating over scripts to see whether or not there’s enough profundity in the material. Because she’s known for such a high quality of work, haven’t you heard?

If you keep hearing it, will you keep believing it?
