Jessica Chastain wore gold Givenchy at the MET Gala. She also wore Givenchy at the Oscars. I don’t ever want to see that dress again but if you do, or if you can’t recall it, click here for a refresher. As I said at the time, I love her. And I still do. And I also said I don’t understand how that was a Givenchy. And I’ll say again here that I don’t understand how this is a Givenchy. Here’s a Givenchy that looks like a Givenchy:

Here’s another Givenchy that looks like a Givenchy:

Is it fair to compare Jessica Chastain to the great Cate and the Beyonce?

YES. And that’s a compliment. Because why should we handicap Jessica Chastain? She’s Jessica Chastain. She’s awesome. But somewhere along the way, someone must have told her, “Jessica, you are Old Hollywood, that’s who you are”, and she believed them. Bullsh-t. If anyone’s being unfair it’s the assholes who keep insisting that she can’t be high fashion forward and that her style home is where bombshell Jessica Rabbit lives. I don’t accept this and neither should she.