When I saw Jessica Simpson in Cannes, she was already tighter than she’d been in months. Told me she was back on her extreme diet and work out plan in preparation for Major Movie Star which starts shooting in July. Shame to waste such energy on a sure box office bomb but as you can see, her hard work is paying off.

Jess, pictured here out and about over the last few days, is well on her way back to Daisy Duke. And the heartache is probably helping too - getting ditched by John Mayer after having to endure all that piss….poor thing. Am personally a depression eater, but always envy my friends who suffer and starve. Could never survive in Hollywood…for me, food is comfort. Jessica though has managed somehow to channel her loneliness into fitness…well done.

She looks amazing. Fit and healthy, reining in those crazy tits, and this time, I actually like the hair. Quite a transformation… though a part of me misses the classic. The high waisted classic brought back for an encore – enjoy!!!
