Jessica Simpson"s Nightstand Man
Fresh and exclusive smut from Shreveport, Louisiana – reposted from Friday for those who may have missed it.
Jess is there shooting Blonde Ambition, renting a house in a swanky neighbourhood, girl came equipped with a huge wardrobe, mostly boots - the over the knee kind - and coats with big fur collars, though she"s probably not getting much use out of them given her rather low key life while in town.
Always eats at the same Mexican restaurant, even shops at Target for her own sheets (!!!), and of course is attended constantly by her Main Gay Ken Paves.
The most interesting detail?
According to my sources, photos of her sister and family members have been placed about the house but there is only photo in her bedroom on her nightstand and it is of her and John Mayer.
Is that sweet? Does that mean it"s serious? Serious enough for a nightstand photo?
Or is that actually kinda sad? Sad as in loser, sad as in high school 10 years too late?
Just asking...