If you"re going to chew me out for selling out, read this first, because selling out for Sunsilk once every few weeks pays for my bitch and it pays for gaygays and it pays for snarky smut- so will you forgive and excuse it and help a girl out? And will you direct your ire instead at Jessica Simpson? What gives this girl the right to sell extensions? To sell hair??? Would you want hair like this??? It"s poofy and flat in all the wrong places, it"s Sally Field 30 years too young, it"s natural, it"s white trash bob, it"s tacky ass crap, and it Does.Not.Deserve.To.Be.Bought. The prescription? In addition to a healty dose of good taste? Definitely a few trustworthy girlfriends. the kind of girlfriends who will tell you when you suck, who will take you to the drugstore and give you a four dollar piece of advice. Because I can tell you for damn sure, everything Hairapy has to offer is head and linebacker shoulders above that do-rag line of horse-straw she"s pimpin" these days. Period. Next.