Am still snotty and miserable with this cold but seeing Porny put a smile on my face. Isn’t she wonderful? I love her so much.

Jessica Simpson on stage at the Florida Strawberry Festival this weekend in Plant City, Florida in her daisy dukes and a long corset holding it all in and showing off her toned, muscular legs.

Many of you have been suggesting that she’s pregnant – something about BumpWatch and her veiny tits? HATE BumpWatch. BumpWatch is so unreliable. And her tits have always been that big but not sure about the veins. Can breasts be veiny without being pregnant? Wait. Stop. I don’t care. Please don’t share.

Let’s instead indulge on a Monday morning in the gift that is the Porny. Few celebrities bring a smile to our faces every single time.

I’ll be a bitch and say it for you – Porny’s roughing it at the county fair and her sister just landed a regular gig on television. How long will she have to pay for Johnny Knoxville???

Photos from SDFL/